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home car cleaning service

Differentiating a dent from a scratch usually takes visual inspection by a technician. If the metal is bent on impact or if the cut is too deep, it requires that the surface shape be restored before repainting. Scratch on the other hand is damage on the paint / primer layer without any deformation in the body of the vehicle. Polishing can help remove the superficial scratches on the surface of your vehicle. (home car cleaning service)

Swirl marks are superfine scratches on the body of your vehicle caused by improper drying and washing techniques. Every time you wash your car, the paint gets marred with microscopic scratches. These small scratches get compounded over time, resulting in the vehicle’s appearance deteriorating.

Conventional wax doesn’t last long since the ingredient in these waxes (Carnauba) breaks down under everyday usage. Polishing compounds on the other hand are made up of a series of cross-linking polymer emulsions that help it last way longer than wax compounds.

Polish usually lasts anywhere between 3 – 5 months under Indian weather conditions. It is recommended that you wash your car only once every two weeks for a lasting shine and water beading effect. (home car cleaning service)